Twins :)

Ultrasound of my heart from yesterday.

Day 50

As I’ve been learning through most of this illness, whatever complication can be simply described is usually not quite as simple as it would seem. Same thing for side-effects. Come to think of it, describing these outcomes in only the most simplest of ways is common-place and probably easiest to do because the manifestations of variations on what can happen are probably so numerous – they’re certainly unpredictable – that to get specific about anyone one thing before transplant could take an entire day’s lecture in and of itself, unlike the kindly 4 hour lecture we got before this whole process started.

Good morning! I finally decided to write something for the blog.

It has been an incredibly hectic time. But I am astounded that I now have someone else’s immune system in me. Of course my own immune system and nouveau-immune systems are not loving each other and I have had complications – nothing life-threatening, but serious. This is called Graft vs Host Disease and actually it’s not a bad thing to happen as it helps to establish my new immune system and help the body adjust. I’ve been fortunate that I haven’t had the most serious of complications, but complications just the same that have made the past several weeks somewhat unpleasant.

Not important to get into the details here, but in general, my GVHD has complicated my diet, my skin, body strength and I’ve had some fevers and bacterial growth. All of which are being handled and with the exception of bacterial issue, the issues are clearing up nicely (if slowly).

Mom has been doing a stellar job keeping up the blog and with calls and such. She went back to NYC to take care of things for a day or two and I think promptly collapsed and napped for most of the day — a well deserved respite. And although I know it’s taxing on her, I have to ask that we still go through her for a lot of communication – I’m simply not strong enough to email everyone or to talk on the phone just yet.

Many thanks to everyone especially for the comments – I read them regularly and just love them so please keep them up!

Strength and love to everyone,
